Jose's Blog


Motorola Droid Mainboard

Filed under: Electronics — Tags: , — admin @ 20:03

Short Hint: Do not disassemble your smartphone to replace the mother board battery. For a long story read the whole blog. To get to the final point, read the last paragraph of the blog…

Long time ago I bought my motorola droid I, second hand, for around €30. The smartphone has served me well even till now. In fact, it is still my first and only smartphone. Needless to say, slowly it is showing signs of its age. Now when I remove the phone battery from the back, the time is set to 01:00 and the date gets set to 01.01.1970. I figured that such smartphones should have an internal mainboard memory that will keep time setting intact even after removing the removable (or rather, “easily removable”) battery. In fact, it does. So I decided to disassemble my phone and replace this internal battery. If you observe carefully, the video where a person disassembles (I would say, rather unprofessionally) a motorola droid will show the internal battery:

I write “unprofessionally” because there is a video of a disassembly of a Samsung Galaxy that is so detailed and professionally done (with “correct” household equipments and in a correct way) that all other smartphone disassembly videos pales in comparison to this one:

Now, after disassembling. I noticed that I wasted my time doing so. There is indeed a button cell attached to the phone mainboard, I think it fits a CR2430 (almost 3mm in diameter). BUT.. the cell is soldered to the board. So no way of just slipping the battery away from the board. The solders are very fine, I would guess that i need a very fine and stable soldering machine to unsolder it and then solder a new battery. My soldering iron (and my shaky hands) will probably ruin the board. I ruined the battery connection anyway, the steel that was soldered to the battery was cut off when I tried to push the battery out (not realizing fast enough that it was soldered and not just glued). All was not lost, since the smartphone works anyway without the internal cell (which was already dead). I reassembled the phone back and just installed ClockSync from Google-Play to keep my time syncrhonized and exact. If I had a cell and a good soldering iron I could have tried more, but I think (in this situation) it is best to leave the phone until it is no longer usable and buy a new one. This is a good lesson though, since I learned a little bit more about the electronics of a smartphone and I can do better next time I want to disassemble. This is how I learned to construct my own PC and repair laptops in the beginning.


Generalizing Galois Groups

Filed under: Ring Theory — Tags: , — admin @ 11:21

There were many attempt to generalize the notion of algebraic extension of fields to other (more general) categories. One of my favourite generalization is for the category of reduced commutative rings which was made popular by the likes of Edgar Enochs, Robert Raphael and Mel Hochster. An algebraic extension in this category is just an essential extension that is an integral extension. Why is integral extension alone not enough? One simple reason is because one can never end an integral extension in this category (you can always find a strict integral extension of a reduced commutative unitary ring that is also reduced and commutative). The necessity of essential extension (essential extensions can be defined in a pure category theoretical way) allows a “largest” algebraic closure. In fact, Hochster has shown that any such reduced commutative unitary ring $A$ will have a largest essential and integral extension which is called the total integral closure of the ring. By largest we mean that for any essential and integral extension of $A$ there is an $A$-monomorphism from this extension to the total integral closure.

The total integral closure is also rightfully known as the algebraic closure of the ring. This name is justified considering the following characterization (made by Hochster):

Let $B$ be the total integral closure of $A$ then.
– All monic polynomials of degree $n\in\N$ with coefficients in $A$ are factored into $n$ linear polynomials with coefficients in $B$
– All residue domains with respect to ideals of $B$ are integrally closed in their algebraically closed field of fractions
(specifically all residue fields with respect to maximal ideals are algebraically closed)

This easily leads to the characterization of algebraically closed domains:
A domain is algebraically closed iff it is integrally closed and if its field of fraction is algebraically closed.

More was investigated by Raphael in the 90s who mostly looked at the von Neumann regular rings that are algebraically closed.

The next question one could pose is the following:
The fundamental groups in Galois theory enjoys the benefit of being finite. Can this be true for $A$-monomorphisms between an essential and integral extension of $A$ and its algebraic closure? I will give example for which we get infinitely such $A$-monomorphisms:

Let $A = \Q^\N$, then $\Q$ itself can be canonically be embedded (as a subring) of $A$ (namely taking the sequence for which all elements are equal). Then the polynomial $f:=(x^2-2)(x^2-3)$ is in $A[x]$ (we clearly abused notation here, $2$ (resp. $3$) is just the sequence of repeating $2$ (resp. $3$)). This polynomial has infinitely many zeros in the overring $B:=\Q(\sqrt{2},\sqrt{3})^\N$ of $A$ and clearly $B$ is both essential and integral extension of $A$. There are therefore infinitely many such zeros that can be mapped onto each other (product of the maps obtained from the usual Galois groups).

I do however believe that if we work with only one polynomial say $f\in A[x]$ then extending $A$ within $B$ such that it contains all the zeros of $f$ will give me a finitely generated $A$-module if $A$ is a Baer reduced commutative unitary ring. I will give a more detailed discussion about this in a next blog.

[1] E. Enochs, Totally Integrally Closed Rings. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 1968, Vol. 19, No. 3, p. 701-706.
[2] M. Hochster, Totally Integrally Closed Rings and Extremal Spaces. Pac. J. Math. 1969, Vol. 142, p. 767-779.
[3] R.M. Raphael, Algebraic Extensions of Commutative Regular Rings. Canad. J. Math. 1970, Vol. 22, p. 1133-1155.


The New Way to do Math

Filed under: Mathematical Advise — admin @ 08:09

I recently realized that I have missed all along an ingenious way to do math. This might sound naive or even stupid, but I really never knew! My way of doing math had never any form of discipline. I always stupidly believed that chaos can always result into pattern. My table is always messy, my notes are always scattered and I jump from sheet to sheet when I scribble my ideas. An absolute heaven for the pure lover of chaos! Well, I discovered a new way to improve my math. And it’s not really to clean the mess I just described.. I have not yet become wise enough to realize that. I realize a form of scheduling when I do math, and surprisingly it is delivering me good results.

So here is my recipe which I think is working very nicely for me: I spend alternating days doing reading and then creating new math or questions from what I read without much relying on anything new. So for instance on a Monday I read a paper I really liked (“like” means three things for me: 1. I like the subject 2. The paper is not more than 15 pages long if the topic is terribly new 3. I do not need more than 5 references to learn new things needed to understand the paper). I cram and prep on this paper as if it was my exam almost the whole day. The next day which is a Tuesday, I don’t read almost anything at all. I begin imagining myself writing a new paper based on questions I ask about the paper I read the previous day. If the paper still remains interesting I continue .. otherwise I just ditch the whole thing all-together.. I keep on pushing myself asking new questions not in the paper or even if it was in the paper, I probably did not completely understand the paper thoroughly. In general, I get a whole new understanding of the whole topic and either I understand the paper much thoroughly or I am in fact even ready to publish an extension to the paper or even a new topic not directly related to the paper.


Graphing the Time Stamps

Filed under: Programming — Tags: , , — admin @ 18:04

Remember here where I wrote about a python script that help me time stamp my activities. Now, I had an activity that I also wanted to graphically plot how much time I spent since I started on it. For this, I thought I make use of matplotlib and graph the progress graphically as a days-vs-(minutes spent/day) graph. I already had the csv file created by my time stamper and I wanted to use that data format to do this. But I wanted to have this more general, i.e. I wanted to just drag an drop any csv file created by the time stamping script and see the graph. To do this (I use windows!) I decided to allow window shell to drag and drop file into python scripts. This is done by adding to the windows registry as seen here:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Now I can drag and drop csv files created by the stamper into this script to see the progress graph. The result would then look like so




Collatz conjecture reduced to residue class modulo $2^n$

Filed under: Number Theory — Tags: , — admin @ 12:34

As promised, I am going to present small part of my mathematical research in my blog and interested people can just download the paper for more detail. Often case, I just write down the abstract that is already part of my paper. I also will write down some history of how things were developed, which is otherwise not written in the paper or article.

I started a few months ago in the summer of 2014. Obviously, the $3n+1$ problem (or the Collatz conjecture) is not a field I have worked with before 2014. I do mostly algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. So I wanted something new. I personally thought that it would be easier to work with binary representations of the Collatz sequence and it turned out that, at least for me, I could understand the sequence better that way. I set myself that goal of looking for something new for at least a year until if things were not anymore promising I would just call an end to this research and start something else. Well at least I think I did find something new. Far from any form of solution to the conjecture or even something that might prove significant for the research community. It’s only significance is probably that it is a very easy to understand characterisation (or suficiency) for the Collatz conjecture to be true. Probably, after this or at least after I get this somehow published, I will not be doing much more and try to look at other things and then maybe every now and then take a glance at the Collatz conjecture again. I always need some change whenever I do something for a long time. If I do get lucky I might see something again, but there are no gaurantees. Well let me show the abstract of the paper:

Here we investigate the odd numbers in Collatz sequences (sequences arising from the $3n+1$ problem). We are especially interested in methods in binary number representations of the numbers in the sequence. In the first section, we show some results for odd Collatz sequences using mostly binary arithmetics. We see how some results become more obvious in binary arithmetic than in usual method of computing the Collatz sequence. In the second section of this paper we deal with some known results and show how we can use binary representation and OCS from the first section to prove some known results. We give a generalization of a result by Andaloro [1] and show a generalized sufficient condition for the Collatz conjecture to be true: If for a fixed natural number $n$, the Collatz conjecture holds for numbers congruent to $1$ modulo $2^n$, then the Collatz conjecture is true.

The paper thus provides a sequence of sufficiency set whose set-theoretic limit is the set $\{1\}$. Similar sequence of sufficiency set has been found before (the natural density approaches $0$ but the set-theoretic limit is not necessary the singleton containing $1$). I tend to think that this one is the simplest one. The paper in preprint form can be found here!

[1] P. Andaloro, On Total Stopping Times under $3x+1$ Iteration, Fibonacci Quarterly 2000, Vol. 38, No. 1, p. 73-78

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